Celebration of Life

Today would have been my mother’s birthday. I could never say her age out loud, but let’s just say she preferred her cake to say “29 and holding,” and she lives with the vitality and spirit of someone half her age, so her request was fitting.

In honor of her, I wrote a little letter that I thought I would share with you. It goes like this:

happy birthday momma,

i love you. i miss you. i hope i am making you proud.

i hope you know how much i think of you; how much i remember. i remember it all. your laugh. your smile. your warm hugs. your silly dance moves. the yummy-ness of pretty much everything you ever cooked. baking cookies at christmas. rolling rotis into perfect circles. grocery shopping. you learning to drive standard in my high school parking lot.

most of all, i remember how big an importance you put on celebrating our birthdays. we didn’t just have a special dinner or a fancy present…for the entire week we were the princesses of the house-enjoying all our favourite meals, getting new birthday clothing, and sometimes even our hair and nails. you made sure we knew how much we were loved.

so today, and for indeed the whole week, i will celebrate you. the beauty of your life. the warmth of your soul. the heart of your passion. i will celebrate your triumphs, your tribulations, and everything that made you who you were, because to me, you were more than just my mom. you were my best friend.

i love you. i miss you. i hope i am making you proud.

happy birthday momma.

New Look!

Hello Friends!

Yesterday when I signed into WordPress, something crazy happened. As I began to review the blog stats, I noticed an entirely confounding and perplexing thing. Not only were people actually reading this silly little blog of mine, but people from AROUND THE WORLD were reading my blog! I had hits from South Africa, Italy, Spain, Australia, Mexico, Canada, USA, and even Libya yesterday! What the what?!?!?! How is this possible? I am just some silly, unemployed, twenty-something from Ottawa looking to fill her days with something other than trash television and copious amounts of junk food! 

So, first off, a HUGE thank you to each and every one of my readers (far and wide) because I truly never thought anyone would be interested in my crazy obsession/love for writing. I am humbled and so grateful that you care to spend a few precious moments of your day reading my thoughts. What a gift! Thank you!

Secondly…I guess I should probably put a bit more effort into this thing! So, without further ado, I present to you the first ever:


Hit up the comment section below with ideas, likes, dislikes, topics, brands, ANYTHING! I really do want this blog to be interactive. I love helping people. 

Lastly, I should also make this blog LOOK better. I could use your opinions on what you’d like to see my blog look like, so I am leaving it in your hands! Vote now in the comment section below on your favourite demo layout. The layout with the most votes wins!!!!! 

Thank you again for indulging this crazy fantasy of mine! I love you all! 








Mom Really Does Know Best

My mom was a stunning beauty. She had flowing shiny locks, beautiful almond shaped eyes, and skin as smooth as butter. She was always manicured, like her daughter she refused to go many places without a little lipstick. I learned many of my beauty tricks and home remedies from my mother. After all, moms are a special kind of person. It takes superhero-like strength to raise two girls, especially two girls as fabulous and strong as my sister and I. In memory of my beautiful, inventive, crafty, fashionable, glamourous, classy mom, I present you with my latest list of beauty advice…although these came straight from the crimson lips of my beautiful mother, Meherangiz. 

1. “Vaseline is your best friend.” My mom always kept a tiny jar of Vaseline in her handbag. She would use it for everything from her cuticles to bushy eyebrows, scrapes to cracked heels. It’s great for use on the lips, eyelashes, and makes a great make up remover. It can be the base for a homemade scrub (just add sea salt), and is the perfect thing to remove eyelash adhesive. 

2. “Simple is better.” Being in the beauty industry for as long as I have, our home was always filled with free goodies. We were constantly surrounded by the latest innovations in skin care, hair care and cosmetics. My mom was always interested in trying new things, but she kept her beauty routine simple and unchanged. She would wash her face every morning and night with simple soap (Ponds or Pears, anyone?) and moisturized with whatever was near the sink. Brand names, price points, and smells didn’t matter too much to my mom. She was more concerned with how a product made her skin look and feel. When she passed, at the age of almost 51, I swear not a single wrinkle was visible on her perfect skin. 

3. “Matching is pretty.” My mom came from a time when handbags, nails, and shoes all had to match. While fashion trends have changed, there is a fundamentally timeless aspect to the matching mantra my mom lived by. Coordinating nail polish colour/lip colour/accessories/shoes with something (not everything) in your outfits makes you look put together and every piece looks intentional. I’m not suggesting head to toe emerald green, but perhaps if you paint your nails that colour, try earrings in a similar shade, or a scarf, or even shoes. 

4. “Take care of your things, and they will take care of you.” We didn’t really have a lot of money growing up. My mom and dad were raising two young kids in the 90s when the economy was in the toilet, all the while caring for my maternal grandmother who lived at home with us. However, as children, we never felt deprived, and my mother took extra care to invest in clothing and pieces that were timeless. A great black dress can be worn to a cocktail party, an interview, an important presentation, and/or a fancy dinner date. We never shopped in expensive places-my mom had a knack for finding well-made, well-structured clothing that withstood the test of time. Some of my mom’s shoes were older than I am. She kept everything in it’s original box, organized in her closet and took care to ensure outdoor shoes were only worn outdoors and indoor shoes were only worn indoors. 

5. “Laughter is the better than lipstick.” My mom used to always say that the most beautiful sound in the world was laughter. She lived her life surrounded by things that made her happy, and I firmly believe this kept her young (both in looks, and at heart). Being happy and truly enjoying life reduces stress (and wrinkles). We would sing and dance together in the kitchen, pots bubbling away offering us a rhythm, and we would continue to giggle together all through dinner. 

I love my mom. I miss my mom. I hope this entry has inspired you to relish in all of the little things in life. Though she was taken from this world well before her time, my mom lived every second of her life looking and feeling truly fabulous. 




Please excuse the terrible compound word. I needed a catchy, tongue-in-cheek name for a new segment I am doing about my newest weekly beauty obsession. I thought long and hard over a glass…err…okay…a bottle of wine. I had many ideas. Most of them were terrible.  Here are some of them:

and of course, who could forget,

As you can see, I am scraping the bottom of the barrel here.  Anyway, this genius idea came to me when I started thinking (a dangerous thing, I know). I’m always scouring the web to find the newest music, the hottest fashion trends, and the swankiest places to eat, drink, and be merry. Why not do the same for beauty items? After all, cosmetics is not only a hobby of mine, it is likely slightly psychotic to love something as deeply and wholeheartedly as I love make up. And my husband. <3.

So, to you I present the first ever, brand spankin’ new BEAUTYGASM! 

This week’s cool tool comes from IT! Cosmetics. 

“With most mascaras and primers, the brush can’t get to the root of your lash without hitting your eye. This means you’re only able to coat about 2/3 of each lash, leaving the base exposed. Using the Tightline Full Lash Length Black Primer and the skinny wand, you can reach down to root of your lashes allowing you to coat their entire length from root to tip for the ultimate in lash length and maximum eye definition.” 

Click on the pink word “BEAUTYGASM!” at the top of this entry to see this product in all it’s glory.

May all your beautygasms be filled with glitter and pleasure! 

Vanishing Act

It is the week before some Earth-shattering, life-altering, TRIPLE Spanx important event. Maybe  you’re the keynote speaker at a symposium on nuclear physics. Maybe you are getting married. In some sick and twisted Game of Thrones finale-type massacre, karma has decided to rear it’s ugly head and BOOM! You’ve got a zit/red patch/discolouration/scar in the middle of your face that is roughly the size of Staten Island. You try every lotion and potion available, and maybe even whip up a batch of some crazy concoction you found online that involves Comet, Apple Cider Vinegar, and a desperation so thick you can taste it. Nothing works. There is only one thing left to do. FAKE IT TIL YOU MAKE IT, BABY! 

Concealer is my best friend. It complements me. I can carry it around wherever I go. The best part? It hides all my ugly in one gentle, soft stroke! So how do you find the right one? With so much selection, it’s hard to know which one to choose. After all, concealers range in coverage (Invisibility Cloak light to Grandma’s mustache thick), tones (warm? neutral? cool? medium?!?!), and textures (paste, cream, stick, gel). Below, I demystify the big questions about beauty’s most beloved tool! 

1. Know Your Role
Are you a mega-make up maven or do you merely moonlight in the make up arts? Would a light wash of foundation cover your concern? Or is your beauty blunder so bad that you need the big guns? Coverage is key to achieving a natural, flawless finish. Light coverage concealers are great for the occasional spot or discolouration. Full coverage concealers are better for heavy duty jobs, like covering birth marks or tattoos. Knowing what coverage you require will help you greatly on the noble quest to concealed perfection!

2. Love to Layer
Have you ever tried putting a flesh-toned concealer over a tattoo or a black eye? If so, you know what a HOT mess it is. The discoloured area simply becomes slightly less discoloured, but is still visible, and almost begins to look green. Some jobs require double duty. Excessive redness, purplish undertones, or blue bruising all require special pre-concealer treatments called correcters. Correcters work to neutralize discolouration. Once you’ve corrected the colour, you’ll then apply concealer to bring the skin back to flesh tone. Here’s how it works:
Pick the colour of the problem area you want to conceal. Find it’s opposite on the spectrum. That colour is your correcter. For example, if you suffer with redness, you’ll need a green correcter. If you have a blue tint under the eye from excessive dark circles, you may want to try using a peach coloured correcter. 

3. When Life Gives you Lemons, Make Lemonade. And Lemon Popsicles. And Lemon Pie.
Many concealers offer both concealing properties AND skincare benefits. Suffer with dry skin? Find a hydrating concealer. Have dark circles? Choose an under eye concealer enriched with a brightening complex. Covering a zit? Opt for a cover-up that also contains salicylic acid. 

4. Don’t be Tone Deaf
Concealers work a lot like foundations. Each is made of specialized pigments made to match you. Some are labelled warm (yellow or golden undertone), others are labelled cool (pink undertone), and a few are even neutral (a mixture of both yellow and pink tones). There are two easy ways to determine your undertone. 
*The Eye Test- grab a mirror. Look into your own eyes. Looking past your overall eye colour, examine the flecks. What colour are they? Are they silvery? Or are they yellowy? Silver denotes a cool skin tone. Yellow denotes a warm skin tone.
*The Pinch Test- examine the skin anywhere on your forearm. Press down firmly on the skin for about ten seconds. When you remove pressure, watch for blood to flow back into that area. As the blood refills, your skin will either appear slightly red until the blood flow is complete, or it will be slightly white. Red refill indicates a cool undertone and white denotes a warm undertone. 
Don’t confuse undertone with surface tone. Just because you have redness on your skin does not automatically make you a cool under tone. Under tone refers to the generalized nature of the pigment of your skin. Your under tone never changes. Surface tone refers to the external factors (such as acne, scarring, or rosacea) that can change the colour of your skin, but is only temporary. 

5. What’s in a Texture?
Gel, paste, cream. Each concealer comes with it’s own unique feeling. This where YOU can take total control. Things like your skin type, personal preference, and skill at blending all play into determining which texture is best you you. Oilier skins may like gels better as they feel light. Cream concealers are great for dry or mature skins. Have your favourite beauty guru test drive a few for you on your skin and examine them after a few hours. Look for staying power, coverage, feeling, and shine.